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La ventana. Revista de estudios de género
Print version ISSN 1405-9436
FAWAZ YISSI, Julia and SOTO VILLAGRAN, Paula. Mujer trabajo y familia: Tensiones, rupturas y continuidades en sectores rurales de Chile central. La ventana [online]. 2012, vol.4, n.35, pp.218-254. ISSN 1405-9436.
This article examines the incorporation of rural women into the labor market and their effects, by the one hand, in family structures and dynamics; and, by the other, in the meanings that rural women build with respect work, family organization and compatibilization between them. The analysis combines a structural perspective, through quantitative data obtained from official statistics, and a survey to a sample of rural women; and a qualitative perspective, centered in the meanings built by them, information obtained through focus-groups and interviews. Our hypothesis advances that the growing incorporation of rural women into the labor market installs new perceptions about gender roles inside the family and in society, as well as new symbolic representations over work, women and family, being thus a central factor in the construction of "new" family models and in the negotiation of more egalitarian family arrangements in rural areas.
Keywords : women; new rural reality; family; work; modernization.