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 número32Hacia una defensa pública de calidad: El nuevo diseño institucional de las defensorías públicas en las entidades federativas de la República mexicanaLa división de poderes en la emergencia económica en Argentina índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Cuestiones constitucionales

versão impressa ISSN 1405-9193


GONZALEZ OROPEZA, Manuel  e  MESRI HASHEMI-DILMAGHANI, Parastoo Anita. Justice of the collective rights of native peoples. Cuest. Const. [online]. 2015, n.32, pp.201-233. ISSN 1405-9193.

Our country has signed various international legal instruments which are responsible for monitoring the correct application of justice to all its inhabitants, but the most important is the recognition that the Mexican authorities have made of those rights, in both criminal and civil as well as electoral law. The Federal Electoral Court has defended the rights of all Mexicans, and particular interest has been shown in recent years when various cases related to the rights of native peoples of Mexico and their right to self-determination to elect their own authorities, without prejudice to its interests, laws and systems of elections. The elimination of discrimination, combat of prejudice and promotion tolerance for the rights of native peoples now is not only a recommendation from international agencies, but a real commitment from our federal and local authorities, and the Federal Electoral Court, within its sphere of competence, has shown clear signs of these principles and the unrestricted application of the Constitution through various rulings, jurisprudence and thesis.

Palavras-chave : commonality; native peoples; indigenous peoples; local guardianship; judgement for the protection of rights; trial of reconsideration; nonperformance incident; justice; electoral justice.

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