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TIP. Revista especializada en ciencias químico-biológicas

versão impressa ISSN 1405-888X


TORRES-MARTINEZ, Brisa del Mar et al. Physicochemical, techno-functional and antioxidant properties of Pleurotus spp. powders. TIP [online]. 2023, vol.26, e595.  Epub 20-Ago-2024. ISSN 1405-888X.

Edible mushrooms are considered an important source of nutritional and functional components; therefore, they have been proposed as promissory ingredients for foods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical, techno-functional, and antioxidant properties of two Pleurotus spp. powders (P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius). Regarding physicochemical properties, Pleurotus spp. powders showed (p<0.05) pH values near to neutrality in comparison to soy protein (control), and all samples showed slightly brown color. Concerning their techno-functional properties they retained water and oil, and there was swelling, foaming and gelling capacities (p<0.05). Results demonstrated the presence of primary (carbohydrates and protein) and secondary metabolites (phenols, flavonoids, and chlorogenic acid), as well as antioxidant capacity (free-radical and cations scavenging activity and reducing power) in dependence of solvent extraction (p<0.05). Also, all powdered mushroom extracts reduced (p<0.05) lipid oxidation of meat homogenates subjected to thermal treatment. In conclusion, the results comfirm that P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius powders are useful as functional ingredients for meat products.

Palavras-chave : edible mushrooms; Pleurotus ostreatus; Pleurotus pulmonarius; functional properties; biological activity.

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