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Papeles de población

versión On-line ISSN 2448-7147versión impresa ISSN 1405-7425


GONZALEZ-BECERRIL, Juan Gabino. Artificial intelligence: implications in the demographic and social equation. Pap. poblac [online]. 2023, vol.29, n.116, pp.9-25.  Epub 29-Nov-2024. ISSN 2448-7147.

The objective of this essay is to expose the implications that artificial intelligence (AI) will have on the demographic and social system in today's world. It is highlighted that there will be changes in the biological and social determinants of the population in the near future. That is, artificial intelligence will influence in vitro births and there will be an increase in longer life expectancy at birth. Simultaneously, Latin America and Mexico will have greater challenges to adapt to such a situation given their diagnosis in their scores and indicators on AI recently made by ECLAC.

Palabras llave : Artificial intelligence; demographics and social.

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