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vol.9 issue35El camino hacia la estabilización demográfica y el proceso de envejecimiento en América Latina: una ilustración a partir de algunos países seleccionadosEl envejecimiento en el debate mundial: reflexión académica y política author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Papeles de población

On-line version ISSN 2448-7147Print version ISSN 1405-7425


DE LA PENA ESTEBAN, J. Iñaki. Impacto del envejecimiento de la población en el seguro de salud y de dependencia. Pap. poblac [online]. 2003, vol.9, n.35, pp.45-75. ISSN 2448-7147.

This article analyzes the international situation of the public and private health and retirement insurance system. Starting by differentiating between their scope and conception, the analysis focuses in the application of welfare systems in various countries, in particular European countries. The population aging and the decrease in fertility will cause an increase in sanitary and welfare needs. This situation is treated by countries with different perspectives that can involve: a protectionist role of the State, a maintenance and encouragement of household and NGO in the care of the elderly, and an implementation of an alternative and private sponsored system. All these perspectives form the aggregate of welfare prevention. Today's tendency is to encourage the creation of private welfare assistance that can attend the necessities of the elderly in the future.

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