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vol.29 número102Trayectorias de desarrollo profesional de docentes de primaria. Un análisis desde la evaluación del desempeño¿Quiénes asisten a la escuela privada en Argentina? Análisis de los factores explicativos según localización geográfica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


MAZA NAVARRO, Juana Estela; STANGE ESPINOLA, Isabel  e  ORTEGA CAMBRANIS, Aída J.. A Systemic View of the Generation of Job Expectations in Engineering Careers. RMIE [online]. 2024, vol.29, n.102, pp.561-598.  Epub 14-Out-2024. ISSN 1405-6666.

This article presents a case study, based on the social systems theory, about how the communicative process influences the configuration of labor expectations upon graduation from the university in two groups of engineering students of the Electronics and Mechatronics careers of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. The methodology, which has an explanatory scope, has a quantitative approach, and makes use of a survey technique and functional method in order to carry out a comparative analysis of the degree of informational interdependencies between the educational, economic and family systems. The results highlight that continuous school paths are possible with economic support from the family and that the work experiences, which consist of communicative situations that influence the type and degree of resonance of the information to condense, are predominantly work alternatives oriented to the automotive industry and activities linked with the design of system. In addition, few intentions for business entrepreneurship and graduate studies can be observed.

Palavras-chave : systems theory; organization; expectations; socialization; school trajectories.

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