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vol.29 número102Posiciones sobre profesionalización docente en el discurso de los organismos internacionales*Una mirada sistémica en la producción de expectativas laborales en carreras de ingeniería índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


SANCHEZ-ANGUIANO, Héctor Miguel; TORRE-DIAZ, Alejandra de la  e  CORDERO-ARROYO, Graciela. Professional Development Paths of Elementary School Teachers. An Analysis from the Perspective of Performance Assessment. RMIE [online]. 2024, vol.29, n.102, pp.535-560.  Epub 14-Out-2024. ISSN 1405-6666.

This research analyzes the professional development of elementary school teachers in the light of two main points of reference: their professional career paths and their participation in performance assessment programs. In this qualitative study, by means of two tools from the biographical method (life stories and biograms), the authors retrace the professional paths of six Mexican elementary school teachers who took part in different performance assessment programs. They conclude that the career paths reveal a continuous search for better working conditions and that, even with the potential of the evaluations, the results show their partial and inconsistent use in the teachers’ careers. In the light of the analyzed career paths, performance assessment programs in Mexico only promote professional development to a limited extent and focus on individual performance.

Palavras-chave : professional development; career paths; teacher evaluation; primary education.

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