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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa
versión impresa ISSN 1405-6666
FIERRO-EVANS, Cecilia y FORTOUL-OLLIVIER, Bertha. “Improving Peaceful Coexistence”: An Analytical Rereading of Innovative Experiences in Latin American Schools. RMIE [online]. 2022, vol.27, n.92, pp.15-45. Epub 14-Mar-2022. ISSN 1405-6666.
This paper presents a rereading of experiences in Latin American schools committed to “improving peaceful coexistence.” Our interest is to analyze these experiences according to the concept of school convivencia, within a framework of the discursive community of cultural policy. This community defines convivencia as the processes and results of efforts to construct lasting peace in schools through pedagogical and administrative practices that are inclusive, equitable, and participative, and that address conflict through dialog. The cases are from two studies that collect experiences from six countries, as self-managed efforts of innovation in school administration. The exercise shows the relevance of using a comprehensive, operational concept of school convivencia, which permits guiding the analysis and identifying, among diverse innovative strategies and teaching methods, the practices of inclusion, equity, and participation aimed at strengthening students' educational processes, as well as community cohesion.
Palabras llave : convivencia (peaceful coexistence/communalism); equal education; school administration; educational innovation.