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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


ACOSTA SILVA, Adrián. Education as Entertainment. RMIE [online]. 2018, vol.23, n.77, pp.627-641. ISSN 1405-6666.

During the past 25 years (1992-2017), various reforms have been implemented in Mexico’s educational system at all levels. “Belief systems” (understood as assumed causes of action) and the interests and actors that have intervened in the design and instrumentation of political agendas in education have been multiple and diverse throughout almost five six-year presidential terms. However, no balance sheet has been constructed to show the relation between the various cycles of reform in Mexico’s system of national education. This text is based on the idea that we have much information, but little knowledge about the implications of reform at the various levels of the educational system. The intent is to explore specifically the political dimension of the associated changes and conflicts, with two central theses: first, that the reforms are hybrid, with different underlying political logic and policy; and second, that the reforms can be analyzed from the perspective of the system’s government and its formal and informal institutions.

Palavras-chave : reforms; government; educational policies; governance.

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