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vol.20 número67Efectos de la instrucción monolingüe y bilingüe en la enseñanza universitaria: Estudio de casosEnseñando ciudadanía en medio del conflicto: Profesores de Historia y movilizaciones estudiantiles en Chile índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


VIDIELLA, Judit  e  LARRAIN, Verónica. The Role of Working Conditions in the Construction of Teacher Identity: Corporality, Sympathies, and Knowledge. RMIE [online]. 2015, vol.20, n.67, pp.1281-1310. ISSN 1405-6666.

This article attempts to contribute to the debate on teacher identity as a professional category, based on conceptualizations that consider the global economy and current transformations at work. In this framework, the constitution of teacher identity is paradoxical: It implies a tension between teachers' interest in their own training and serving others, and their subjugation to conditions no longer limited to initial work (instability, exploitation, etc.). With a group of novice elementary teachers who participated in a study financed by Spain's Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness, we explored some of these transformations, which affect their working conditions and are reconfiguring today's notions of being a professional and working as a teacher.

Palavras-chave : working conditions; professionalism; elementary education; professional identity; learning.

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