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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa
versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666
GOMEZ NASHIKI, Antonio; JIMENEZ GARCIA, Sara Aliria e MORELES VAZQUEZ, Jaime. Publishing in Scientific Journals, Recommendations for Researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities. RMIE [online]. 2014, vol.19, n.60, pp.155-185. ISSN 1405-6666.
This article analyzes the publishing strategies of researchers in the social sciences and humanities. The methodology consisted of documentary analysis, a review of researchers' trajectories, and interviews. The findings include the high importance researchers attach to elaborating and publishing a research article. They indicate that having a doctoral degree is not equivalent to being prepared as a researcher, mentioning that those who teach research in graduate programs are not always those who understand how to publish. This set of interpretations creates distance between the processes of understanding that are developed in programs, and the processes required for interpreting the dynamics and demands of scientific tasks in the diverse systems of evaluating academics.
Palavras-chave : researcher training; social sciences; humanities; graduate school; scientific journals; evaluation of academics; Mexico.