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vol.18 número58Percepciones de académicos, directivos y funcionarios sobre la legitimidad y el liderazgo de los rectores de las universidades públicas mexicanasProfesores ejemplares de establecimientos educativos públicos de educación secundaria y creencias pedagógicas: desafíos y propuestas para la mejora de la docencia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


GOMEZ NASHIKI, Antonio. Bullying: the Power of Violence. A Qualitative Perspective of Perpetrators and Victims in Elementary Scholls in Colima. RMIE [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.58, pp.839-870. ISSN 1405-6666.

This article analyzes the phenomenon of bullying at five elementary schools in the state of Colima, Mexico. It compiles the verbalizations of perpetrators and victims and the ways they evaluate, perceive, and suffer from this type of violence. Ethnographic methods were used to identify power and bullying as ways of exercising control, through various types of violence: physical, psychological, verbal, and sexual. The limited institutional mechanisms available to combat the phenomenon and the victims' lack of knowledge about the scarce resources they can access, favor the development of bullying as a recurring problem that is difficult to identify and solve.

Palavras-chave : violence at school; bullying; power; elementary education; educational institutions; Mexico.

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