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vol.18 issue57The Comprehension of Multiple Documents in the University: The Challenge of Training Competent ReadersBlog Communities for Academic Writing in Higher Education: A case of Educational Innovation in Mexico author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

Print version ISSN 1405-6666


CASTRO AZUARA, María Cristina  and  SANCHEZ CAMARGO, Martín. The Expression of Opinion in Academic Text Written by University Students. RMIE [online]. 2013, vol.18, n.57, pp.483-506. ISSN 1405-6666.

Based on the linguistic analysis of a corpus of scholastic essays, in this article we explore the discursive resources that university students use in the construction and expression of opinion during the final courses of their academic studies. Our objective is to identify, through a qualitative approximation within the analysis of discourse, the linguistic marks that students make when taking their position with regard to an area of knowledge. The results show that the construction and expression of opinion require the mastery of discursive resources associated with the insertion and handling of voice, the text structure, and above all, the construction of discursive perspective. The findings emphasize the need to present didactics of argumentation with a discursive orientation that allows students to recognize and use the appropriate mechanisms for constructing opinions that are pertinent for their area of disciplinary formation.

Keywords : academic writing; students; higher education; analysis of discourse; disciplines; argumentation; Mexico.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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