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vol.15 número46Violencia en las escuelas del Distrito Federal: la experiencia de la Unidad para la Atención al Maltrato y Abuso Sexual Infantil, 2001-2007Análisis de los logros académicos de niños de primer grado, en relación con sus habilidades iniciales índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


GOMEZ NASHIKI, Antonio. Micropolítica escolar y procesos de cambio: el papel del supervisor en una institución educativa. RMIE [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.46, pp.771-802. ISSN 1405-6666.

This project analyzes the micro-political dynamics of a public elementary school in Mexico City. An ethnographic perspective shows the existence of a set of forces in permanent conflict at the school: constant confrontation between the instituting and the instituted. Upon the retirement of the director, considered the founder, a stage of uncertainty began. During a short period of time, four directors filled the position, leading to various individual positions: power struggles, diversity of goals in play, emphasis on personal interests, and strategies and rivalries mobilized around the director's control. Due to the lack of stability at the school, the supervisor's role and influence in each situation became a key factor in solving conflicts and maintaining institutional functioning.

Palavras-chave : educational institutions; basic education; school administration; supervisors; directors; Mexico.

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