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vol.15 número44La construcción de conocimiento en foros virtuales de discusión entre paresDesarrollo de cualidades reflexivas de profesores en formación inicial a través de portafolios electrónicos índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa

versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666


FLORES MACIAS, Rosa del Carmen; OTERO DE ALBA, Araceli  e  LAVALLEE, Marguerite. La formación de lectores en secundaria mediante un software educativo. RMIE [online]. 2010, vol.15, n.44, pp.113-139. ISSN 1405-6666.

The training of readers in secondary school is a problem that requires effective alternatives. This article presents theoretical aspects that are based on the design of educational software called "Intelligent Reading", as well as on its activities and contents. The program is aimed at the development of fluidity and comprehension, and consists of a teacher's and a reader's module. To evaluate the program's efficiency and identify forms of perfecting it, an analysis has been made of the students' performance in the program. The study describes the results of using the most recent version of the software in a public secondary school. The results show that most of the students improve with this version, but that their performance is not homogenous. In general, the young people make positive remarks about the program.

Palavras-chave : educational software; reading; secondary school education; Mexico.

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