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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa
versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666
GRANJA-CASTRO, Josefina. Contar y clasificar a la infancia: Las categorías de la escolarización en las escuelas primarias de la Ciudad de México 1870-1930. RMIE [online]. 2009, vol.14, n.40, pp.217-254. ISSN 1405-6666.
Based on an analysis of school records and reports on the performance of children attending school in Mexico City, this article identifies some of the categories and central distinctions used to classify and organize the school population, until reaching the concept of "retraso escolar" ("educational lag"), which began to be used in isolated form around 1920. This concept permits identifying the presence of medical/pedagogical and psycho-anthropological ideas that supported the rationality of schooling during the period under study. The statement is made that the process of producing knowledge directed to regulating children's enrollment in school generated classifications that surpassed the framework of school practice and became social categories for characterizing children.
Palavras-chave : history of education; childhood; schooling; educational lag; formation of concepts; conceptual change; Mexico.