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Revista mexicana de investigación educativa
versão impressa ISSN 1405-6666
SILAS CASILLAS, Juan Carlos. ¿Por qué Miriam sí va a la escuela? Resiliencia en la educación básica mexicana. RMIE [online]. 2008, vol.13, n.39, pp.1255-1279. ISSN 1405-6666.
This article explores the meaning young people in situations of economic marginalization attach to staying in school. The study aims at defining the processes and actors-in the family, school, or community-who participate in successful scholastic trajectories in the most difficult contexts; it also attempts to determine if these actors have a relation with the theory of resilience. A presentation is made of the conclusions of interviews with twenty-nine individuals living in marginalized communities in Mexico, as well as with key people around them. The most evident conclusions involve the high value communities assign to schooling and the influence of students' interactions with significant individuals. The analogy of two motors" suggests that students who persevere seem to have two motors: one that pushes through support, and the other that pulls through example.
Palavras-chave : elementary education; social marginalization; academic performance; community participation; role of school; Mexico.