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versão On-line ISSN 2521-9766versão impressa ISSN 1405-3195
MARTINEZ-ENCINO, Cándido; VILLANUEVA-LOPEZ, Gilberto e CASANOVA-LUGO, Fernando. Density and composition of scattered trees in pastures at the sierra of Tabasco, México. Agrociencia [online]. 2013, vol.47, n.5, pp.483-496. ISSN 2521-9766.
The pastures of the Sierra of Tabasco, México, are managed using local knowledge and are mainly characterized by the presence of young trees that grow spontaneously and deliberately retained by the producer, although some trees were also planted. These trees have a predominant normal diameter of 20-30 cm, height of 6-8 m, crown area of 20-40 m2, stem height of 3-4 m, and their shade favors the development of a large richness of species. The objective of this study was to describe the floristic composition in some paddocks of Tacotalpa and Tenosique; data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The frequency of adult trees was 2 % and 5 %, a Shannon index (H') of 1.37±(0.33) and 1.61±(0.22), dominance (D) 0.41±(0.13) and 0.33±(0.07), and density 48 and 93 trees has-1 for Tacotalpa and Tenosique. Most of these species are typical of jungles. It is concluded that the shade of scattered trees provides availability of herbaceous cover for grazing in the Sierra of Tabasco.
Palavras-chave : silvopastoral systems; local knowledge; herbaceous cover; Tacotalpa; Tenosique.