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Print version ISSN 1405-2768
FRANCISCO NAVA, Juan José et al. A Study of the morphology and acclimatization of Laelia eyermaniana Rchb.f. plants generated in vitro. Polibotánica [online]. 2011, n.32, pp.107-117. ISSN 1405-2768.
A morphological study of plantlets of Laelia eyermaniana Rchb.f. cultured in vitro was carried out. Histologic preparations were made to observe different stages from seed germination until ex vitro acclimatization of plantlets. Photomicrographs showed various transitional stages. Seven relative stages of development were identified and described: seed, non-photosynthetic protocorm, photosynthetic protocorm, differentiated protocorm, plantlets with leafs, plantlets with leaves and roots, and plantlets with leaves and two roots, as well as two transitory phases: somatic embryogenic mass (SEM) and protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) obtained by indirect somatic embryogenesis. Stomatal leaf density doubled under ex vitro conditions. This study contributes to the knowledge of morphological development of L. eyermaniana during in vitro culture and ex vitro acclimatization.
Keywords : acclimatization; morphology; orchids.