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América Latina en la historia económica

versão On-line ISSN 2007-3496versão impressa ISSN 1405-2253


MEIRA, Roberta Barros. A Fair Price for Sugar: Artificial Enhancement of Brazilian Sugar on the Agenda, 1895-1928. Am. Lat. Hist. Econ [online]. 2015, vol.22, n.2, pp.135-159. ISSN 2007-3496.

This article discusses the proposals for enhancement of sugar made during the First Republic, by promoting the granting of awards or agreements of the sugar policy. In this sense, the article examines the results of these measures aimed at increasing prices in the Brazilian domestic market, following the nature of the composition of these proposals made by producers, statesmen and technical in the two production areas of the country. For this, we analyze the annals of sugar congresses that took place during the First Republic, technical journals, such as the journal of the National Agricultural Society A Lavoura, and the Boletim do Ministério da Agricultura, Indústria e Comércio and some foreign works that focused on valorization policies of sugar in Europe.

Palavras-chave : sugar; agricultural politics; Brazil; bounties.

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