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vol.25 número76Historia conceptual y social del totalitarismo. Una propuesta teórico-metodológicaRepresentaciones sociales y comunicación: apuntes teóricos para un diálogo interdisciplinar inconcluso índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-5799versión impresa ISSN 1405-1435


NAVARRO-PEREZ, José-Javier  y  PASTOR-SELLER, Enrique. On the risks of global socialization: adolescents in conflict with the law with social adjustment profile. Convergencia [online]. 2018, vol.25, n.76, pp.119-145. ISSN 2448-5799.

This article explains the consequences of social change for the adolescents of the new era. This research has different methods and techniques to triangulate the evidence. The study involved 183 adolescent offenders legally incarcerated for a period of five years (as of 2011). The main results report that these adolescents live in protected contexts. Parents are responsible for an education poor in values. The depersonalization of human beings is reported. There is little critical and creative and virtual leisure aimed at adolescents. The findings report a society that has lost the essence of community. The risk is daily and visible in all social classes.

Palabras llave : socialization styles; adolescents in conflict with the law; risks; developed societies; social adjustment; delinquency.

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