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PIGNUOLI-OCAMPO, Sergio. Communication as analytical unit in Luhmann and Habermas. Convergencia [online]. 2017, vol.24, n.73, pp.61-86. ISSN 2448-5799.

The present paper compares the communicative definitions of “the social” proposed by Niklas Luhmann and Jürgen Habermas from a systematic perspective. From the results reached, the reciprocal receptions between the authors are discussed and a renewed theoretical interpretation of divergences and convergences is proposed. The hypothesis of the work states that Habermas and Luhmann, based in the concept of communication, converge in a radically dyadic and multi-leveled conception of the sociological analytical unit, however they diverge in its analytical segmentation.

Keywords : Luhmann; Habermas; communication; dyadism..

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