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vol.17 issue54Del saber colectivo a las cualidades individuales: El debate sobre las competencias laborales author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-5799Print version ISSN 1405-1435


FARIAS, Ignacio. Adieu à Bourdieu? Asimetrías, límites y paradojas en la noción de habitus. Convergencia [online]. 2010, vol.17, n.54, pp.11-334. ISSN 2448-5799.

Pierre Bourdieu's work aims explicitly at overcoming the main dichotomies of social sciences, such as objetivism/subjetivism and individual/society. Nevertheless, the central concept that would enable this rupture, the habitus, undergoes certain asymmetries, which end up reproducing such dichotomies. This becomes evident in the difference between hexis and illusio and in the understanding of hexis as the structuring medium of habitus. As a consequence of this, the theory of habitus exhibit certain limits, such as the incapability to explain the historical change and the transition to modernity. Thus, Bourdieu's sociology demonstrates that attempts at 'solving' the paradoxes deriving from a two-valued logic can't but reproduce its dichotomies and antinomies. An alternative to this cul-de-sac can be found in both, social systems theory and actor-network theory, which make evident that social theory is not coterminous with the problem of the relationship between individual and society or between agency and structure.

Keywords : Bourdieu; habitus; hexis; asymmetries; paradoxes.

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