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vol.15 issue47La lengua materna: más que una metáfora. Afán femenino por las letrasTurismo rural y campesinado, una aproximación social desde la ecología, la cultura y la economía author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-5799Print version ISSN 1405-1435


EGEA JIMENEZ, Carmen  and  SOLEDAD SUESCUN, Javier Iván. Migraciones y conflictos: El desplazamiento interno en Colombia. Convergencia [online]. 2008, vol.15, n.47, pp.207-235. ISSN 2448-5799.

One of the most important consequences of the Colombian conflict is the massive internal displacement. It is contextualized within internal migrations which are interfered by performances and land use policies. Unfortunately both interventions and policies have been characterized by the ownership of land and other strategic resources, relegating in a second place the rights of the affected populations. Thus, in this paper one of the most important topics at present is presented: migrations, taking into account that in general forced migrations, and in particular internal displacement, have been "forgotten" in terms of both scientific and academic areas. The main goal is to try to research the Internal Displacement in Colombia from a macro-scale analysis. From there, a short review about both the perception of forced migrations within migrations, generally in terms academic-scientific and the perception of internal displaced people in comparison to refugees is done. Then, the paper deals with internal displacement in Colombia, explaining the keys to the Colombian armed conflict, to finally represent in this context the area of Catatumbo. There the conflict is very particular because it is performed in a border with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Keywords : migrations; forced displacement; return; conflicts; Colombia.

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