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On-line version ISSN 2448-5799Print version ISSN 1405-1435
LEIVA-LOBOS, Edmundo; ANTILLANCA, Héctor and PONCE, Héctor. Un marco sistémico para orientar el diseño de artefactos del diálogo. Convergencia [online]. 2008, vol.15, n.47, pp.11-37. ISSN 2448-5799.
In this paper we present a conceptual framework, based on a systemic approach, which informs the design of artifacts to support dialogue among people. The concept of dialogue is highlighted as a communicative practice which facilitates the creation, examination and circulation of meaning. We argue that current technology to support communication is insufficient to facilitate dialogue, since it only allows the management of messages which are simple and difficult to relate. The proposed conceptual framework introduces several notions, among them, platform, rules, movements, moments, and breakdowns in a dialogue. From this ontology, a taxonomy is shown, where tangible artefacts are distinguished, as electronic mail and symbolic artefacts, as problem-solving methodologies. Two cases of artefacts for dialogue are analyzed: a dialogical meeting record and an electronic forum. The paper closes reflecting on the scope of this proposal for the design of artifacts for dialogue.
Keywords : dialogue; Bohm's dialogue; meaning; systemic approach; communicative practice.