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Gestión y política pública

Print version ISSN 1405-1079


AZIZ NASSIF, Alberto. Violence and Destruction in an Urban Periphery: The Case of City of Juarez, Mexico. Gest. polít. pública [online]. 2012, vol.21, n.spe, pp.227-268. ISSN 1405-1079.

This text tests the hypothesis that in urban peripheries (territorial "enclave" and a degraded society, without public attention) exists innovation and creativity that transforms the communities. An approach to city of Juarez is made, a city located in northern Mexico. The argument that is developed suggests that the construction of that city, the economic model, and its social relation, next to the lack of State, have generated conditions and devices for a social destruction very distant from innovation and creativity. Violence in Juarez has caused the crushing of society; nevertheless, there are valuable expressions of organized communities that fight on a daily basis to rescue this city.

Keywords : urban periphery; State; violence; civil society; export assembly industry; illegality; impunity; youth; femicide.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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