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vol.17 issue1Policy Research Supporting Policy Making: The CIDE-CRE AgreementAn Overview of the Municipal Development in Mexico: Antecedents, Design and Findings of the Basic Municipal Development Index author indexsubject indexsearch form
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Gestión y política pública

Print version ISSN 1405-1079


VARGAS PAREDES, Saúl. Policy networks and Organizational Change in Mexican Forestry Policy. Gest. polít. pública [online]. 2008, vol.17, n.1, pp.101-144. ISSN 1405-1079.

This paper examines the importance of policy networks, by analyzing two case-studies, chosen by their international importance and their similarities in social and economic terms: The Forest Pilot Plan (PPF, by its initial in Spanish) and the Biosphere Calakmul Reserve (RBC). The core hypothesis is that both the structure of policy-network (coordination and degree of relevance of each policy actor) and the efficiency of strategies -rather the social participation, as usually argued by the majority of works on forestry policies- were the key factors, which influenced the policy process and its subsequent initial policy-outcome.

Keywords : policy networks; forestry policy; México; organizational change.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish


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