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Historia y grafía

Print version ISSN 1405-0927


MOYA LOPEZ, Laura Angélica. A Cartography of the Memories in the Collaborative Map of the Spanish Exile in Mexico: New Narratives and Conceptual Challenges. Hist. graf [online]. 2023, n.61, pp.95-125.  Epub Aug 28, 2023. ISSN 1405-0927.

The commemorations of the 75th and 80th anniversaries of the Spanish exile in México had developed new narratives and representations of time in space, in a digital platform named “Collaborative maps of Spanish exile in México (2014-2019)”.

In this paper we want to explain how in the analysis of these phenomena, some conceptual borders of terms have blurred in order to register and conceptualize new kinds of memories. Two important routes can be established in order to understand these new narratives: the first consists in the cartographical representation of space and, on the other hand, the concept or rhizome as the mapping exercise of symbolic images of past experiences. In between, we look for another category as Invisible landscape, in order to explain the special kind of anamnesis that takes places in the digital map. Second, there is another “new concept” between communicative memory and cultural memory: postmemory, which names memories of a second and third generation after victims and survivors of that first exile. This explains content, form, and some effects of this digital artifact.

Keywords : Spanish exile; communicative memory; cultural memory; postmemory; digital mapping.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )