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Madera y bosques

On-line version ISSN 2448-7597Print version ISSN 1405-0471


PINEDA-LOPEZ, Ma. del Rosario; ORTIZ-CEBALLOS, Gustavo  and  SANCHEZ-VELASQUEZ, Lázaro Rafael. Los cafetales y su papel en la captura de carbono: un servicio ambiental aún no valorado en Veracruz. Madera bosques [online]. 2005, vol.11, n.2, pp.3-14. ISSN 2448-7597.

During last two decades human interest in the greenhouse effect caused by CO2 emissions has increased. At global scale, the Kyoto Protocol is an Agreement signed by almost all countries, as the main mechanism to diminish CO2 emissions. It is well known that agroforestry systems can contribute to CO2 capture at a level similar to that of many managed forests. Shaded coffee plantations are agroforestry systems likely to be included as CO2 capture and storage mechanisms. We explain in this essay, the potential of coffee agroecosystems from central Veracruz State, to capture and store CO2.

Keywords : Agroecosystems; CO2 storage; coffee plantation; CO2 capture; environmental services; Veracruz.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )