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versão impressa ISSN 1405-0218


LARA CHAGOYAN, Roberto. Legal Interdiction, Models of Disability Regulation and "Interpretation in Conformity": A Victim Case. Isonomía [online]. 2015, n.42, pp.171-196. ISSN 1405-0218.

The paper reflects on the concept of interpretation in conformity with the Constitution and the treaties in the context of the new parameters of judicial review in Mexico, in view of a recent Supreme Court ruling, the so-called "Asperger case", which deals with the disability model adopted by Mexico City legislation. The author argues that the Court erred in choosing the aforementioned interpretive tool. He warns about the abuse of this argumentative tool in the resolution of human rights cases and argues that legitimate purposes do not justify neglecting the selection of appropriate analytical frameworks.

Palavras-chave : interpretation in conformity; presumption of validity; disability; non-discrimination; Supreme Court of Mexico.

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