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Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas

On-line version ISSN 2007-2902Print version ISSN 1026-8774


TORRES-RODRIGUEZ, Esperanza; MONTELLANO-BALLESTEROS, Marisol; HERNANDEZ-RIVERA, René  and  BENAMMI, Mouloud. Theropod teeth from the Upper Cretaceous of the State of Coahuila, Mexico. Rev. mex. cienc. geol [online]. 2010, vol.27, n.1, pp.72-83. ISSN 2007-2902.

In Mexico, the theropods represents a poorly known group of dinosaurs, the scarce material had been referred only to "family" level. As a result of paleontological research carried on in the State of Coahuila, dental remains belonging to theropods were recovered. The identified genera are Saurornitholestes , cf. Troodon , as well as Tyrannosauridae and an indeterminate theropod. The theropod diversity of Coahuila is similar to that described for the Big Bend National Park, Texas, confirming the existence of a distinct dinosaurian biogeographic province in the southern Great Plains of North America. If the presence of Troodon at this latitude is confirmed, it would suggest that the geographic distribution of this theropod genus was much wider than previously supposed.

Keywords : paleobiogeography; dinosaurs; teeth; Theropoda; Late Cretaceous; Aguja Formation; Olmos Formation; Mexico.

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