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Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas

versión On-line ISSN 2007-2902versión impresa ISSN 1026-8774


CRUZ-GAMEZ, Esther M.; MARESCH, Walter V.; CACERES-GOVEA, Dámaso  y  BALCAZAR, Natalia. Significance of amphibole composition in metagabbros related to continental margin sequences in the NW of Cuba. Rev. mex. cienc. geol [online]. 2007, vol.24, n.3, pp.318-327. ISSN 2007-2902.

The Guaniguanico terrane crops out in the NW of western Cuba. It is mainly composed of sedimentary deposits of Jurassic - Paleogene age formed in a continental margin. The Cangre Belt, located at the southern margin end of this sequence, occupies the highest position in the whole sequence due to an overthrust. The Cangre Belt mainly consists of metasiliciclastic and metacarbonate rocks (Arroyo Cangre, San Cayetano, Jagua and Guasasa formations). Some metagabbro bodies are hosted within the metasiliciclastic part of the Arroyo Cangre Formation (Lower? - Upper Jurassic). This sequence shows the highest metamorphic grade of the whole belt. The metagabbros were studied under the polarizing microscope and with the electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). Based on this, we determined the mineral assemblage amphibole-albite-quartz-epidote-chlorite-zoisite. The compositional variability of amphiboles gives clues on the metamorphism; it ranges from calcic to sodic, corresponding to actinolite, magnesio-hornblende and glaucophane. These amphiboles may not have formed under the pressure-temperature (P/T) conditions associated with tectonic transport during Late Paleocene to Early Eocene, but indeed in a previous stage of regional metamorphism. The different types of amphiboles in the metagabbro indicate distinct metamorphic facies (greenschist, greenschist to amphibolite, and blueschist facies) experienced during metamorphic evolution. Probably, the Arroyo Cangre Formation and the rest of the sequences of the Cangre Belt were affected by regional metamorphism related to one of the subduction events proposed for the Cretaceous in Cuba. They may also be associated with a frontal ramp at the beginning of thrusting during the Laramide Orogeny; this whole process may have caused directed high pressure and, consequently, a metamorphic event restricted to this area and indeed not present in the rest of the Guaniguanico Terrane.

Palabras llave : amphibole; metagabbro; continental margin; metamorphism; Cuba.

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