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Veterinaria México

Print version ISSN 0301-5092


HERNANDEZ VIDAL, Gustavo; MORA VALDEZ, Francisco A.; RODRIGUEZ TOVAR, Luis E.  and  RAMIREZ ROMERO, Rafael. Etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of osteochondrosis (OC). Vet. Méx [online]. 2011, vol.42, n.4, pp.311-329. ISSN 0301-5092.

Osteochondrosis (OC) is a term used to describe a wide range of different skeletal lesions between different species. Osteochondrosis is a problem that affects fast growing animals and it has been defined as a failure in the endochondral ossification of the articular-epiphyseal cartilage. This failure leads to cartilage thickening and retention, basal necrosis, subchondral bone damage and loose bone fragments in the articular joint. Osteochondrosis is a multifactorial disease in which nutritional, hereditary, endocrine factors, biomechanical influences, and failures of blood supply to growth cartilage play an important role. The aim of this review is to offer an updated approach to the knowledge of the mechanisms that intervene in the pathogenesis of osteochondrosis, as well as alternatives to its diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords : horse; osteochondrosis; OC; dyschondroplasia; etiology; pathogenesis.

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