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Ginecología y obstetricia de México
versión impresa ISSN 0300-9041
NORIS-MARTINEZ, Aziru et al. Laparoscopic fertility-preserving surgery in borderline ovarian tumors. A case report. Ginecol. obstet. Méx. [online]. 2020, vol.88, n.2, pp.111-117. Epub 30-Ago-2021. ISSN 0300-9041.
Borderline ovarian tumors are defined as the presence of cell proliferation and nuclear atypia without stromal invasion2, their incidence is estimated between 2.5 and 5.5 / 100,000 women per year, they are usually diagnosed in early stages with a good prognosis even in advanced stages.
25-year-old patient, with abdominal growth and diffuse pain, increased uterus of volume above the umbilical scar, with solid, mobile tumor, to the vaginal touch dependent on the right annex. Ultrasound report: right ovary 13.1 x 12 x 11.2 cm and the left not visible, CA 125: 130.4 U / mL. A peritoneal lavage was performed, a peritoneal biopsy was taken, and omentectomy and right salpingopherectomy were performed. The transoperative study reported the existence of a tumor in the right ovary, with implants in the abdominal cavity. Histopathological report: papillary tumor bordering the right ovary, without vascular invasion, peritoneal lavage, omentum and positive peritoneal implants to neoplastic cells. Adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy (Plaquitaxel and Carboplatin) was indicated and she managed to get pregnant a year after finishing that scheme; the pregnancy concluded in childbirth and birth of a girl of 3100 g.
This case reflects the success of laparoscopic surgery in the management of serous border tumors with fertility-preserving surgery, in addition to highlighting the use of chemotherapy as an adjuvant treatment in this type of pathologies.
Palabras llave : Ovarian neoplasms; Cell proliferation; Peritoneal lavage; Fertility preservation; Laparoscopy; Biopsy; Chemotherapy.