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vol.17 número3Variación espacial de la comunidad de medusas (Cnidaria) del sur del Golfo de México, durante el otoño de 1999 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0188-8897


VALENZUELA-SIU, Mónica; ARREOLA-LIZARRAGA, José Alfredo; SANCHEZ-CARRILLO, Salvador  y  PADILLA-ARREDONDO, Gustavo. Nutrient fluxes and net metabolism in Lobos coastal lagoon, México. Hidrobiológica [online]. 2007, vol.17, n.3, pp.193-202. ISSN 0188-8897.

Fluxes of nutrients and net metabolism were estimated in coastal lagoon Lobos, a semi-arid subtropical lagoon from Gulf of California, Mexico. Sampling runs were carried out during summer and winter, seawater samples for nutrients were collected in coastal lagoon, offshore and a channel waste-water, physico-chemical parameters were measured in situ. Fluxes of nutrients and net metabolism were estimated using LOICZ biogeochemical model. Flushing time was 5 days in summer and 12 days in winter. Lobos coastal lagoon was a sink of nitrogen in summer (ΔDIN = - 5645 mol day-1) and in winter (ΔDIN = - 136,575 mol day-1 ), and it was a source of phosphorus in summer (ΔDIP = + 360 mol day-1) and sink in winter (ΔDIP = - 15,809 mol day-1). During summer, Net Ecosystem Metabolism (NEM) of Lobos lagoon was heterotrophic (- 0.38 mmol m-2 d-1) and denitrification process was observed ( - 0.1 mmol m-2 d-1); during winter the NEM was autotrofic (+ 16.49 mmol m-2 d-1) and nitrogen fixation process was observed ( + 1.1 mmol m-2 d-1). These results suggest the hypothesis that coastal lagoons semi-arids subtropicals from Eastern coast on Gulf of Califonia have seasonal changes, dominant processes of denitrification and net metabolism hetrotrophic during summer, while dominant processes of nitrogen fixation and net metabolism autotrophic during winter.

Palabras llave : coastal lagoon; nutrient fluxes; net metabolism; model LOICZ.

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