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versión impresa ISSN 0188-8897


ACEVES-MEDINA, Gerardo et al. Daily changes on the composition and abundance of planktonic copepods in southern Bahía de La Paz, México (October 2002). Hidrobiológica [online]. 2007, vol.17, n.2, pp.185-188. ISSN 0188-8897.

The goal of this work to analyze the changes in the copepods community, and its relationships with the sea temperature, chl-a concentration and tidal level south of Bahía de La Paz during October 2002. The statistical analysis split the study period with different communities. During the first phase, the oceanic and neritic-oceanic species were dominant (e.g. Labidocera acutifrons, L. acuta, L. diandra, and L. trispinosa), whereas during the second period an increase of the abundance and species richness of coastal and estuarine species was measured (e.g. Acartia lilljeborgii, A. clausi, Nannocalanus minor, and Canthocalanus pauper). These changes were mainly associated with changes in the tide level with respect to de mean sea level as well as with the chlorophyll-a concentration.

Palabras llave : Zooplankton; copepods; Bahia de La Paz.

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