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vol.13 número4El género Porphyra (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) en la costa Pacífico de México. III. Porphyra gardneri (G. M. Smith et Hollenberg) HawkesTemperatura preferida del cíclido nativo mexicano Cichlasoma istlanum (Jordan and Snyder, 1899) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0188-8897


OKOLODKOV, Yuri B.. Further observations on a hypothecal pore in the genus Protoperidinium Bergh (Dinoflagellata). Hidrobiológica [online]. 2003, vol.13, n.4, pp.263-269. ISSN 0188-8897.

The data on 21 Protoperidinium species (including 8 species assigned to the genus Peridinium, which supposedly also belong to the genus Protoperidinium) with a hypothecal pore on the first postcingular plate are summarized. The hypothecal pore is shown to be present not only in the species with the first apical plate of the para-type, but also in some species with the meta-type. It is confirmed that the pore is almost exclusively associated with the hexa second intercalary plate. The pore is thought to be present in closely related species and to be a reliable diagnostic feature to differentiate Protoperidinium species. At least five groups of morphologically similar and supposedly related taxa can be distinguished: (1) Protoperidinium affine, P. pallidum and P. pellucidum; (2) P. curvipes and P. variegatum; (3) P. diabolum and P. dodgei; (4) P. cruciferum, P. cf. cruciferum, Protoperidinium sp. 1 (meta-hexa) and Peridinium acutum; (5) P. ovum and Protoperidinium sp. 2 (para-penta).

Palavras-chave : Dinoflagellates; hypothecal pore; Protoperidinium; thecal morphology.

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