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vol.11 número1Aspectos ecológicos de los Corixidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) en el estanque piscícola "GL" de Soyaniquilpan de Juárez, Estado de MéxicoTests of quality of shrimp postlarvae in commercial hatcheries: a case of study índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 0188-8897


POPOWSKI CASAN, Genoveva; SANCHEZ LORENZO, Magalys  y  ALVAREZ-CADENA, José N.. Composición y abundancia de las macroalgas halino-resistentes en los sedimentos minero-medicinales en salinas de Cuba. Hidrobiológica [online]. 2001, vol.11, n.1, pp.61-68. ISSN 0188-8897.

Studies on the composition and abundance of salt-tolerant microalgae from the water column and sediments from Cuban salines are analyzed. The Chlorophyte Dunaliela salina (26° Bé) and Cyanobacteriae (13 to 26° Bé) dominated in the environment enriching the sediments with biologically active by-products, such as proteins, carotenes, glycol, vitamins, etc. From a total of 5,253,206 cells, the most abundant Cyanobacteriae species were: Aphanothece halophytyca (49.8%), Myxobaktron salinum (24%), Synechococcus sp (12.5%), Spirulina nodosa (9.2%) and Gloeocapsa sanguinea (4.3%). At salinities lower than 13° Bé, diatoms and dinoflagellates were the main groups in the community and contributed with silice and pectin to the muds. The nature and Chemical properties of these haline mineral muds depend on the abundance and composition of the microalgae, wich in turn depend on the site they were collected. These muds having different properties can be used on specific treatments, both, medical or in cosmetology.

Palabras llave : microalgae; salt-works; medicinal muds; Cuba.

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