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versión impresa ISSN 0188-8897
CALVA B., Laura Georgina y TORRES ALVARADO, Rocío. Distribución de carbohidratos, carbono y nitrógeno orgánico en sedimentos de tres lagunas costeras del Golfo de México. Hidrobiológica [online]. 2000, vol.10, n.2, pp.101-114. ISSN 0188-8897.
An assessment of the concentrations of organic carbon and nitrogen in surface sediments, and carbohydrates in pore water was made in Pueblo Viejo, Tamiahua y Tampamachoco Lagoons in the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico. During the period 1994 to 1995, the levels of organic carbon found were in descending order Tampamachoco Lagoon (1.59 %), Tamiahua Lagoon (1.32 %) and Pueblo Viejo Lagoon (1.03 %). The carbohydrates concentrations in pore water followed a similar order to organic carbon, Tampamachoco (26.13 mg/l), Tamiahua (23.23 mg/l) and Pueblo Viejo Lagoon (19.74 mg/l). Tampamachoco Lagoon showed the highest concentration of organic nitrogen (171.91 mg/g), the Tamiahua Lagoon (134.96 mg/g) and Pueblo Viejo Lagoon (75.64 mg/g). The highest contents of organic fractions in the sediments and pore water were higher in the months associated to the rainy season, showing that the main contribution of the organic forms from three estuarine systems come from alloctonus sources and basically through fluvial drainage.
Palabras llave : carbohydrates; organic carbon; organic nitrogen; coastal lagoon; sediments; Pueblo Viejo; Tamiahua; Tampamachoco.