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Política y cultura

versão impressa ISSN 0188-7742


MAYA AMBIA, Carlos Javier. Actualidad de la crítica de Karl Polanyi a la sociedad de mercados. Polít. cult. [online]. 2014, n.41, pp.143-166. ISSN 0188-7742.

Karl Polanyi's critique of market society is a very powerful tool for understanding our current social reality. It helps us to formulate a creative and purposeful proposal that contributes to build a just, equitable, and more humane society, that would be committed to the future life on the planet. A comparison between the society criticized by Polanyi and ours, leads us to discover the validity of his basic concepts and his method for the preparation of a new critical discourse that not only takes advantage of the legacy of the author, but also expands, clarifies and updates it.

Palavras-chave : Karl Polanyi; market society; social critique; self-regulated market; double movement.

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