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Política y cultura
Print version ISSN 0188-7742
VELA PEON, Fortino. Transición demográfica, estructura por edad y el desempleo de los jóvenes en México. Polít. cult. [online]. 2007, n.28, pp.259-285. ISSN 0188-7742.
The demographic transition that has been observed in Mexico is associated with dramatic changes in age structure of the population. Based on the panel data model this work explores the influence of these changes on the open unemployment rates of the youths in urban areas of Mexico. Considering information of a sample of 15 urban areas from the National Survey of Urban Employment (ENEU in spanish) for the period 1987-2003, the results show a significant effect for males of age group 20-24.
Keywords : demographic transition; relative cohort size; youth unemployment; laboral market.