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 número28Género y gobiernos municipales: El caso de Villa Guerrero, Estado de México (2003-2006)Jefas de hogar: cambios en el trabajo y en las relaciones de poder índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Política y cultura

versão impressa ISSN 0188-7742


VEGA MONTIEL, Aimée. Por la visibilidad de las amas de casa: rompiendo la invisibilidad del trabajo doméstico. Polít. cult. [online]. 2007, n.28, pp.181-200. ISSN 0188-7742.

From a gender perspective, this article is focused into analyze the social construction around the domestic work -the most invisible female occupation. Three theoretical categories are situated on the base of the discussion: social spaces -the public, the domestic and the private-, household work and reproduction, with one main objective: to make visible the largest female occupation.

Palavras-chave : housewifes; household and domestic space; public space; private space; reproduction.

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