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vol.17 número34Estándares laborales y calidad de los empleos en América LatinaLa cuestión indígena en Argentina: de la efectividad a los contextos de producción índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Perfiles latinoamericanos

versão impressa ISSN 0188-7653


BLANCO BOSCO, Emilio. School Effectiveness and Inequality: Contributions to Educational Policy. Perf. latinoam. [online]. 2009, vol.17, n.34, pp.51-85. ISSN 0188-7653.

This article presents the main findings of a recent study about learning-related factors in Mexican primary education, with the objective of questioning some of the assumptions underlying the recently proposed educational reform. The results show that Mexican primary schools have a reduced influence on learning, compared with the impact of socioeconomic factors; nevertheless, schools' human resources and teachers' stability in school, as well as classroom climate, show positive effects on learning; other school factors (i.e. school management, school climate, and learning opportunities) showed almost no relationship with learning. The last section of the article analyzes, from a critical perspective, the current educational policy recommendations (particularly, the triad autonomy-accountability-assessment) based on the results mentioned above.

Palavras-chave : educational quality and equality in Mexico; school factors related to learning; educational policy and reform.

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