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vol.28 issue56Liminal Identities. The Case of Tsotsil and Tseltal Writers in ChiapasArtisan Talent and Commercial Deviation of Crafts in the State of Morelos author indexsubject indexsearch form
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On-line version ISSN 2448-850XPrint version ISSN 0188-7017


LE MUR, Rozenn. Discursive Strategies of Huicholes Craftsmen Within a Tourist Framework. Alteridades [online]. 2018, vol.28, n.56, pp.97-108. ISSN 2448-850X.

The sale of Huichol/Wixárika craftwork to tourists has rapidly increased in the last decades. Now it appears to be one of the main tourist attractions in Western Mexico. This paper explains how Huichol craftsmen and artists respond to the tourist gaze in a strategic way, to accomplish economic, but also political goals. Based on fieldwork and the analysis of in-depth interviews with Huichol artists, it is examined how they continuously create and re-create their culture in dialogue with other social groups.

Keywords : cultural encounter; tourist art; folklorization; narratives; tourist imaginary.

        · abstract in Spanish     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )