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vol.21 número41La construcción del sentido antropológico mexicano en los programas de estudio de la Universidad de Quintana RooEl desarrollo de la antropología sociocultural en El Salvador índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión On-line ISSN 2448-850Xversión impresa ISSN 0188-7017


GARCIA S., Fernando. The construction of anthropological thought in Ecuador: aims and perspectives. Alteridades [online]. 2011, vol.21, n.41, pp.61-68. ISSN 2448-850X.

The present article reflects on the aims of the construction of anthropological thought in Ecuador, analyzing its relation with Latin American anthropologies. It distinguishes three stages: the beginning in the 1960s, the professionalization and institutionalization in the 1980s and its consolidation from the 1990s to date. It ends proposing some future perspectives to achieve that Southern Ecuadorian anthropologies consolidate their place in the regional and national anthropological debate.

Palabras llave : own anthropologies; national anthropology traditions; Latin American anthropologies; anthropologies from the South; Ecuadorian anthropology.

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