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Tópicos (México)

Print version ISSN 0188-6649


VILLAMIL-LOZANO, Harol David. The Diagnostic and Therapeutic Dimensions of Human, All Too Human I. Tópicos (México) [online]. 2024, n.69, pp.147-185.  Epub Aug 16, 2024. ISSN 0188-6649.

In this paper, I interpret the first four sections of Human, All Too Human I to argue that Nietzsche’s philosophy has diagnostic and therapeutic ambitions. In the first section, I show that his philosophy is psychological. In the second section, I illustrate the descriptive psychology of Nietzsche’s philosophy, for which metaphysical doctrines rest on psychological misunderstandings and highly valued sensations and conceptions are based on selfish motives and mistakes of reason. In the third section, I argue that Nietzsche’s philosophy is also medical and intellectualist: his inquiry into human psychology allows him, first, to diagnose two types of illnesses, one caused by scientific knowledge (existential illness) and the other caused by metaphysical doctrines (nervous illness), and second, to cure both types of diseases by eliminating their causes with this same scientific knowledge.

Keywords : philosophy of medicine; metaphysical doctrines; existential illness; nervous illness; intellectualism.

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