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Tópicos (México)

Print version ISSN 0188-6649


TEJEDA, Cristian  and  LAGOS, Rodrigo. Spinoza and the Notion of Pluralistic Ontological Perspectivism. Tópicos (México) [online]. 2024, n.68, pp.389-423.  Epub Mar 08, 2024. ISSN 0188-6649.

In this article we claim that there is a pluralistic ontological perspectivism inherent to Baruch Spinoza’s philosophy. The relationship between his general theory of the composition of bodies and the concepts of affection, immanence, power, and multitudo is essential for the constitution of this notion. The aim of this analysis is the inner foundation of the concept of points of view: it is impossible to think of it as an epistemological feature of an isolated individual, but it is also not possible to unify it by means of a common property. Consequently, Spinozist ontological perspectivism implies a pluralistic theory of points of view which circumvents the problems posed by the closure of the One-All model.

Keywords : perspectivism; bodies; immanence; power; multitudo; point of view.

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