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Tópicos (México)
Print version ISSN 0188-6649
VILLA SANCHEZ, José Alfonso. The Hermeneutical Circle of Praxis in Ricœur. Tópicos (México) [online]. 2023, n.65, pp.163-189. Epub June 09, 2023. ISSN 0188-6649.
The relationship that Ricœur establishes between the good, the just, and conviction enables the postulation of a hermeneutical circle -similar to the one proposed by Heidegger in his fundamental ontology, complemented by Gadamer in Truth and Method- in practical philosophy, consisting of three moments: the good, the just, and their application in context. With his “small ethics”, mediated by this reformulation, Ricœur intends to intervene in the discussion between the argumentative ethics of Habermas and the communitarianism and historicism of C. Taylor, A. MacIntyre and H.-G. Gadamer.
Keywords : Aristotle; Kant; the good; the just; application.