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Tópicos (México)

Print version ISSN 0188-6649


ALEGRIA FUENTES, Daniela. Impartiality and Moral Particularism. Tópicos (México) [online]. 2019, n.56, pp.365-392. ISSN 0188-6649.

This article aims to present that moral particularism is a viable alternative to the dominant ethics of modernity to the present (i.e., Kantian and utilitarian ethics); theories that have been criticized during the last decades, especially, by the requirement of moral impartiality. The agent in these ethics deliberates impartially due to the universalism of moral principles. I will suggest that moral particularism, insofar as it excludes impartiality as a relevant factor in the agents’ deliberations, presents reasons to be a plausible ethics.

Keywords : moral particularism; moral impartiality; ethical systems; moral partiality; moral universalism.

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