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Tópicos (México)
Print version ISSN 0188-6649
BELGRANO, Mateo. "All art is quite useless". Continuities and discontinuities between being and time and "The origin of the work of art". Tópicos (México) [online]. 2017, n.53, pp.175-202. ISSN 0188-6649.
This paper aims to analyze the role of the equipment (Zeug) and its difference with the work of art in "The Origin of the Work of Art" in relation with what was developed in Being and Time. While the "ready-to-hand" is constituted by its remisional structure that the Dasein inaugurates, the art "disclose a world", disclose a new net of meaning, independently of the sense that the artist wanted to give it. That the art "shows the character of the equipment" does not mean that shows merely "the essence of a boot", but the remisional structure of the "ready-to-hand". The painting of Van Gogh's boots will work as an example to show the differences between the work and the equipment. In view of this interpretation we will analyze the critiques of Schapiro and Schaeffer to Heidegger's explanation of the painting of the Dutch painter.
Keywords : work; equipment; Dasein; art.